We live in an age of division. As the briefest glance at news media shows, contemporary universities are so often centers of differences, contradictions, and clashes between knowledge and ignorance off- and on-campus. One revealing site...
Sunday, August 7, 4:30PM
Families and friends are welcome. Please bring a dish to share and join in some great conversation with our JVP friends.
The location is Whetstone Park of Roses - Open Shelter House 1 at the...
Saturday, August 6, 2022, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Celebrate the 57th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act on August 6th by standing up for democracy!
Check-in and brunch begin at 10:30 am at the Sheraton in Capitol...
Friday, August 5, 2022, 12:00 PM
Simply Living will be holding a First Fridays online information session about Solarize Columbus. Solar United Neighbors provides unbiased, installer-neutral support through each...
More educators, reducing class sizes, and air conditioning are on the bargaining table between Columbus City School teachers and the Columbus Board of Education (the Board). But teachers are telling the Free Press that...
Thursday, August 4, 6:45-9:30pm, this on-line event requires advance registration
“A gun-toting 83-year-old woman refuses to sell her house to the power plant next door. But despite her refusal, the plant has moved ahead with...