Sunday, July 31, August 31, and September 11, 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Are you part of a Jewish community that is looking for strategies to keep your community safe and police-free? Join SURJ Faith for a three part series...
Director Baz Luhrmann (“Romeo+Juliet,” “Moulin Rouge” and “The Great Gatsby”) dials the notches up to 11 to tell the chaotic and electric story of Elvis Presley’s (Austin Butler) rise to unprecedented super-stardom to sudden tragedy in...
"Developers get handouts, kids get sold out!" rang out from the crowd gathered in front of the office of the Board of Education for Columbus Public Schools on Wednesday evening, July 27.
Members of the Columbus Education...
Saturday, July 30, 4-7pm
Maroon Arts Group Boxpark, 925 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Featuring stand-up comedy showcase with Nef Johnson
As the US Senate prepares to vote on next year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), take action NOW to tell your US senators to stop financing deadly police and military repression.
In El Salvador, prisoners are being...
This is an excellent, probing analysis of the US nuclear weapons program and what must be done to step back from the brink of possible nuclear war with Russia and other players in the unthinkable game. ...