Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 3:00 PM
Council Chambers. On June 22, Commissioners will further discuss proposals for civil service reforms in the Charter, pertaining to the hiring process and classifications of city...
Part Three (of Four)
Residents’ lack of basic rights (cont’d.)
Adequate city services
I can call attention to only a selection of the principal lost or stolen rights. These include the right to...
Imprisoned American Indian Movement (AIM) elder Leonard Peltier is 77 years old, suffering from severe diabetes, hypertension, an aortic aneurysm, and is blind in one eye. He has been imprisoned for more than 46 years, unjustly...
Sunday, June 26, 2pm, Franklin Park [near the Franklin Park Adventure Center], 1755 E. Broad St.
SURJCO exists to organize white people in Central Ohio to take anti-racist action. Interested in getting more involved?? Come meet...
The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) and its partners invite you to experience the diversity of agriculture this summer during the ...
We have chosen the Goodale Park Parimeter for the Walk for Health Care Justice this year. It will take place during ComFest, occurring in the Park, making our presence...