Joe Motil, former Columbus City Council candidate and longtime community advocate who has begun circulating petitions to run for Mayor in the 2023 Mayoral primary election calls for an immediate public hearing and investigation into AEP...
Dear Kenny McDonald:
I write to you in your capacity as the new CEO of the self-proclaimed since 2002, Columbus Partnership.
Columbus Dispatch business reporter Mark Williams belatedly announced your ascension in...
WHAT: Say No to 616 on 6/16 Rally - Ohio students, educators, and community members are meeting at the Statehouse this Thursday to demand that lawmakers block House Bill 616, promoting the right to an honest and accurate...
Columbus Police Lieutenant Melissa McFadden – whose book “Walking The Thin Black Line” exposed how the Division retaliated against her as she sought to make change from within – has...
From the Coalition on Human Needs:
In many instances of gun violence, suicides, or mass shootings, family members or law enforcement see warning signs. Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) laws, commonly known...
From the Coalition on Human Needs:
In many instances of gun violence, suicides, or mass shootings, family members or law enforcement see warning signs. Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) laws, commonly known...