Policy Matters Ohio, the non-profit lobbying for progressive values at the Ohio Statehouse and across Ohio, is mobilizing against HB 327 and HB 322, two bills that could ban “divisive teaching” such as Critical Race Theory or CRT.
...As I have written in these and other publications, Columbus is poorly served by its major media, from its no-longer-daily Columbus Dispatch, owned and operated by the USA Today/Gannett chain, to its three network TV affiliates...
Vulnerable atomic reactors in a war zone?! Please join us this TONIGHT Thursday, March 10, at 7 pm EST (...
The race to break the glass ceiling in Ohio by electing a woman as governor or as U.S. senator this year has been superseded by the aggressive actions by the highest ranking female elected official in Ohio, the one and only Ohio Supreme...
Six and a half weeks ago I broke humerus bone (upper arm). I had surgery to put a pin put into my arm. This is the 1st bone I’ve broken in my 73 years. It SUCKS!
I’m an alpha female, mother, grandmother and keeper of the casa. It...
Wednesday, March 9, 7-8:15pm, this on-line event requires advance registration
This is week four of a four-week discussion course based on the four-part article “The Path to an Ecological Future for Humanity.” The link to the...