Suday, February 27. 1pm
Battelle Darby Nature Center, 1415 Darby Creek Dr, Galloway 43119
What do we do with the bison in the winter? Come for a 2-mile hike to see the bison in their winter pasture and learn...
Take Action. From Amnesty International: Take Action for Human Rights. End Apartheid Against Palestinians by the Government of Israel....
Saturday, March 5, 12pm
Ohio Statehouse
An open mic rally outside the Ohio Statehouse organized by the Queer Teen Activist Collective 614. This rally comes as a response to heightened anti-trans youth sentiment and...
Thursday, February 25, 7:30pm, Jimmy V’s Grill & Pub, 1788 W. Fifth Ave.
Note: we have had to reschedule this event at the 11th hour. See this site for further information; we are confirmed for Thursday,...
The combined promotions of what is effectively a nondebate over critical race theory and the 1620, 1776, and 1836 “projects” of alternative, anti-factual, and literally white-washed American history lead to rants and screeds from...
The combined promotions of what is effectively a nondebate over critical race theory and the 1620, 1776, and 1836 “projects” of alternative, anti-factual, and literally white-washed American history lead to rants and screeds from...