Protestors holding signs
24 November 2021

Tucson, Arizona (AZ) — On the morning of November 23, 2021, Hia Ced, Tohono, and Akimel O’odham peoples and local community members held a press conference in front of the AZ State Office Building in support of Hia Ced and Tohono O’...

Collage of pictures from the article
24 November 2021

November is Native American Heritage Month and November 26th is Native American Heritage Day. For some Native Americans, Thanksgiving is ...

24 November 2021

Last Thanksgiving I wrotethat the country was more divided than ever and it was probably for the best that families had to remain socially distanced from each...

Front of restaurant
24 November 2021

Thursday, November 25, 12noon-2pm, Gokul Cafe [that serves Indian vegetarian cuisine at its finest and most authentic], 2685 Federated Blvd.

Let us celebrate Thanksgiving together in a...

Joe Motil
23 November 2021

Former Columbus City Council candidate Joe Motil, who for several years has been Columbus’s most outspoken critic of the Mayor and City Council’s blanket tax abatement policies, states that, “You can certainly tell that the Columbus...

23 November 2021

Ohio communities have been living with leaking injection wells, spills in and around the facilities. We also know that  loading and unloading of oil and gas liquid waste causes one of the highest levels of toxic air emissions during the...


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