Travis Irvine
15 November 2021

Here’s what happened at the November Free Press Second Saturday Cyber-Salon on November 13.

Watch the salon video here

Free Press Board member ...

15 November 2021

Monday, November 15 - Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Simply Living and the Ohio Sustainable Business Council are proud to be featured at the upcoming two-day conference, organized by the ...

Taraji Butalia
14 November 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Join Interfaith Association of Central Ohio's Council Members as we come together to celebrate our 35 years of existence and explore future strategies and events; assess societal...

Harvey Graff
13 November 2021

Note: My apologies for misspelling Chase Meola’s last name. No offense was intended. To other readers, I am not minimizing the very real crime problems. As a retired professor, University District homeowner, and critic of the...

13 November 2021

Cannabis Crossroads. Ohio history. New bills. Decrim successes.  

Selected bites of fresh cannabis news sliced from the headlines, with a legislative flavor and sweet Ohio twist. Sources are linked.

Mary Jane’s...

White man talking into a mic
12 November 2021

The tall, grey-haired, 60-year-old attorney Steven Donziger gave a final hug to his son last Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021. Donziger had spent over two years confined in his Manhattan apartment, restricted by a judge-ordered GPS ankle...


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