Monday, November 22, 12noon, this on-line event requires advance registration
Strategy is the art of working with what you have to get what you want. When we are clear about our strategy the work of building our organizations...
Monday, November 22, 12noon, this on-line event requires advance registration
Strategy is the art of working with what you have to get what you want. When we are clear about our strategy the work of building our organizations...
Sunday, November 21, 2021, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
We collect, pack, and send books to Ohio prisoners every 1st and 3rd Sunday. Location: Thirdhand Bike Coop, 979 East 5th Ave, Columbus. Please wear a mask, and please don't...
I begin with a partial disclaimer. My knowledge about the failures of Columbus city government comes largely from the middle-to upper-middle-level officials with whom I have the pleasure of speaking with. They strive to make a deeply...
Saturday, November 20, 3:30pm
Ohio Statehouse
“Earlier this afternoon, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty of killing two men in Kenosha, Wisconsin during last year’s racial justice protests, mere days after the shooting of Jacob Blake. This verdict represents the...
Earlier this year, when they received 1300 emails from constituents, Senators and Representatives prevented the demolition of Al-Maleh school in the West Bank's Jordan Valley! Despite a 96-hour demolition order, the school is standing!...