
Esther Flores
06 October 2021

Being Puerto Rican is complicated in the capital of Ohio. My descendants come from the native islanders, the Taínos, Spain, and West Africa. Puerto Rico was originally known as El Boriquén and the natives Boricuas. Nowadays, the...

I voted sticker
06 October 2021

Franklin County Board of Elections, 1700 Morse Rd,, Columbus, Ohio 43229

DATES AND HOURS (subject to change)

October 5 - October 22 (Weekdays Only...

05 October 2021

Can't Gerrymander Statewide Races

While the Republican's once a decade gerrymander hangs in the balance, it is well to remember that one class of races cannot be grotesquely reshaped. Statewide contests, which...

Nuclear plant
04 October 2021

SB 117 and HB 351, two bills to repeal the OVEC coal plant bailouts from HB6, are currently stuck in committee and we need calls to the committee members to put pressure on them to pass these bills out of committee! Below are...

Hand giving peace sign
03 October 2021

Sunday, October 3, 2021, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Lead presenter, Katrina Browne, produced/directed the Emmy-nominated Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North, a documentary about her slave-trading ancestors...

Hand giving peace sign
03 October 2021

Sunday, October 3, 2021, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Lead presenter, Katrina Browne, produced/directed the Emmy-nominated Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North, a documentary about her slave-trading ancestors...


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