
People protesting
28 September 2021

Sunday evening workers and supporters of workers at Worthington’s three library branches gathered on Worthington’s Village Green to rally support for voting yes to unionize. The year-long effort to unionize the workers at Worthington...

People protesting
28 September 2021

Sunday evening workers and supporters of workers at Worthington’s three library branches gathered on Worthington’s Village Green to rally support for voting yes to unionize. The year-long effort to unionize the workers at Worthington...

Details about event
27 September 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 12:30pm, Ohio Statehouse

This event is in conjunction with an “international solidarity protest” “from Ohio, to Texas, to Mexico.”

Hosted by ...

26 September 2021

Sunday, September 26, 2021, 5:30 PM
Stand with Worthington Libraries workers as they prepare to for their Union vote. 
Location:  Village Green Park (NE corner of N. High St and Dublin-Granville Road),...

Details about event
25 September 2021

Next week, the Ohio Senate will take the first steps towards completely outlawing abortion with a hearing on Senate Bill 123. The proposed bill would outlaw all abortions in Ohio...

People protesting
25 September 2021

The street in front of Mexico’s Secretary of the Interior was filled Friday afternoon in solidarity with the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN). The peaceful, youthful crowd was made up of mostly organized contingents of long-...


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