
08 July 2021
I guess by now I can label myself as a public hearing specialist. Tonight, Councilwoman Shayla Favor held a public hearing on proposals from the City’s Development Department to create 3 new Community Reinvestment Areas (CRA’s) or as I...
Person holding sign saying We Need Medicare for All
08 July 2021

Thursday, July 8, 2021, 6:00 PM
National Nurses United’s Medicare for All Campaign, in conjunction with HealthCare NOW and SPAN Ohio, are hosting a statewide organizing meeting on HR 1976, the Medicare for All Act...

Book cover
07 July 2021


No one was talking, and that pissed Jefferson off.

Torture was needed.

He was already being tortured, torn asunder by love and duty. He dialed O’Grady, to pass it on.

“You wanted to dust...

07 July 2021

 Mary Jane’s Guide: CannaNews You Can Use – War on Drugs – July 2021


Selected bites of fresh cannabis news sliced from the headlines, with a legislative flavor and sweet Ohio twist. Sources are linked....

Rep. Bill Seitz
07 July 2021

Ohio is a “Red State Rising.” A Republican super majority has run the state government for over a decade and Trump won Ohio, defeating Biden by a greater margin than Clinton, which makes any progressive or Democrat shake their head in...

Rep. Bill Seitz
07 July 2021

Ohio is a “Red State Rising.” A Republican super majority has run the state government for over a decade and Trump won Ohio, defeating Biden by a greater margin than Clinton, which makes any progressive or Democrat shake their head in...


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