Last week Mayor Ginther announced a list of 34 candidates for the next chief for the Columbus Division of Police. This week, we learned that 9 top candidates for chief have been chosen. Interviews began yesterday. Ginther has said that...
Wednesday, March 12, 7-8pm, this on-line event requires advance registration
Please join Equitas Health and All On The...
As a Muslim, a retired veteran of the US Air Force and a proud Ohioan, I am sick and tired of Josh Mandel’s racist and Islamophobic behavior. He doesn’t deserve to serve the people of Ohio because he is no good for Ohio. But because he...
Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 6:45 - 8:30 PM
We will ask city officials to commit to implementing solutions for affordable housing, gun violence, and police reform. We need numbers to show our officials that it is...
Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 6:45 - 8:30 PM
We will ask city officials to commit to implementing solutions for affordable housing, gun violence, and police reform. We need numbers to show our officials that it is...
Support Improved and Expanded Medicare for All
The SPAN Ohio yard signs are going fast, but you can still get a yard sign. Contact Bob Krasen, 614-261-0754, or ...