06 August 2020

Thursday, August 6, 2020, 6pm
Washington-Gladden Social Justice Park, northeast corner of E. Broad St. and Cleveland Ave.

Facebook Event

30 large...

Guy at a platform speaking to a crowd with sign No More Hiroshimas
05 August 2020

On the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, we are here to stand in solidarity with Hibakusha, the survivors of the atomic bombings, and say: No more Hiroshimas, no more Nagasakis — never again!


Details about event
05 August 2020

Facebook Event


CPDoutofCCS (Columbus Police Department out of Columbus City Schools) and its supporters are gathering once again...

Ohio State University sign
04 August 2020
Tuesday, August 4, 6-9pm, this event will be on-line

This plant will create a demand for more fracking and will increase local air pollution in Columbus. Speak up for the climate and a livable planet for future...

Glenn and Peggysue
03 August 2020

First, heartfelt thank you goes out to Mercer County Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey Ingraham for answering prayers for leniency. Wisdom, kindness, compassion. Justice as it should be.

There’s a story here, one that winds through...

03 August 2020

So-called "Stand Your Ground" laws go by all of these names for one clear reason: they are a license to murder. Using the guise of “self defense,” they fuel gun homicides — especially homicides of Black Americans, like Trayvon...


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