Colorful background with words Viva Festival Latino!
29 July 2020

CAPA today announced the schedule for ¡Viva Festival Latino!, a week-long, online experience that will stand in for the popular, annual Festival Latino canceled for 2020. ¡Viva Festival Latino! will...

Gail and words Calling All Seekers
29 July 2020

Let’s talk about Mindfulness. Mindfulness is one of the main components of yoga and one of its biggest benefits. Mindfulness is PRESENCE. What Ram Dass talked about in his 1974 book Be Here Now. Eckhart...

Governor's mansion
29 July 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 6pm
Governor's mansion
Location TBA. We will be meeting at The Ohio Statehouse and traveling to the location. We will need bikers and medics for this event!

Collage of photos, City Council, a BLM protest and Activist kneeling
28 July 2020

The Columbus Way is what our city leaders call the public/private partnerships that have been used to dress up and showcase the 14th largest city in the U.S.

Former Mayor Mike Coleman’s approach, and continuing under Mayor...

Details about event
28 July 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Join us for a discussion on the steps to defunding police and prison systems. Event Speakers Yvonka Hall, the Executive Director of the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition...

Sign saying My outrage won't fit on this sign
27 July 2020

The United States of America has spent much of its modern history ignoring the most important problems it must solve to be able to move forward as a contemporary democracy. A country that attempted to correct the horror of slavery after...


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