Clintonville Area Progressives logo
05 January 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
The discussion will start at 7:00 PM and conclude by 8:30 PM.  Forum participants include Carl Aveni, a Columbus attorney who is a candidate for the General division of the...

Woman holding No War with Iran and Peace protest signs
05 January 2020

A hundred people gathered for an emergency anti-war rally at E. North Broadway and High Street on Saturday, January 4 at noon.

A man with a gun pointing at a girl holding flowers
04 January 2020

The assassination of General Qasem Soleimani

On Friday, 3 January, 2020, progressives in the United States and all peace-loving people throughout the world were horrified to learn that Donald Tromp had added to...

No war on Iran and a world
03 January 2020

Saturday, January 4, 2010, Noon – 2:00 PM
Since withdrawing from the nuclear deal, the Trump administration has been engaging in a devastating economic war on the Iranian people through harsh sanctions...

Daniel Poneman
02 January 2020

As readers of The Free Press may know, the Portsmouth Nuclear Site at Piketon, Ohio, is heavily contaminated with radioactivity from 50 years of operations that enriched uranium to make nuclear bombs, and later to fuel nuclear...

Lincoln Theater
02 January 2020

The King-Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood was best known in its glory years for its jazz clubs that catered to African-American artists between the 1920s and 1960s. As the new decade begins, one historic theatre is launching a brand new...


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