It’s not the New York Times this time. Although it is another pile of Pentagon papers. Now it’s the Washington Post in an eerie déjà vu moment telling us we were lied to about a war by three presidential...
The thing I learned in 2019 was people can be into wack things and it’s hard to tell if they support Trump or not. The lesson here is that humans will live their lives regardless who is elected in November.
The other lesson is...
Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Tis the season to gather with friends and celebrate reproductive freedom! Join us for a holiday happy hour to learn more about our work and to enjoy some holiday spirits....
Monday, December 9, 2019, 7:30 PM
A gathering to learn and explore "Deep Adaptation" as an approach to navigating the crises of climate change and failing institutions. How do we face the deep levels of change...
It was a night of comradery and celebration at Ace of Cups on November 4 when the Free Press held our 2019 annual awards ceremony. DJ laChewla started the evening off with a variety of music genres and a little rock-n-roll as...
The Columbus Cabal
We should rename the Columbus City Council to the Columbus Cabal. Webster’s defines "cabal" as "the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot. A secret clique or faction...