
Bill Lyons
07 October 2019

Bill Lyons was involved in the passage of the Lake Erie Bill of Rights and the Rights of Nature in Ohio, that passed with 61 percent of the vote this past spring – a first for this type of law protecting an ecosystem in the United...

Drawing of black woman's face at a mic
07 October 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Join us for BQIC's monthly fundraiser, BQIC speak up! Spoken Word and Open Mic. Come out and share your poems, songs, monologues, inner musings, and good encounters, bad...

Young dark haired woman smiling
07 October 2019

City Council Candidate Liliana Rivera Baiman announced today that her campaign has received the endorsement of the Columbus Education Association (CEA), the union representing more than 4,000...

Person working at a desk in a shop filled with arts and crafts
07 October 2019

Immigrants are a cornerstone of American prosperity and success. Saying that may sound cliché, but it’s quite a literal fact. It’s easy to think of immigrants as a handful of newcomers arriving in areas like New York City and Los...

Button that says Your Vote Counts
06 October 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 PM -The Last Day to Register to Vote!
To defeat Trump in Ohio in 2020, we need more people voting Democratic. Lots of people don't vote in elections. We get more people on our...

Man marching holding a sign with a "no" symbol
06 October 2019
What to Buy     These organizations and businesses supported the Global Climate Strike: The Ohio Sustainable Business Council, 1480 Dublin Rd., Columbus, supported the climate strike on September 20. The Council is a...


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