
Sign reading denial is not a policy
05 October 2019

Climate Strike Activists
Thank you, young people of the world, for helping energize the rest of us to address the urgency of climate change! Among the state’s organizers of the local Climate Strike on September...

Someone signing a petition
05 October 2019

If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao – Sign the petition anyhow!

A billion dollars is on the line for energy companies – that’s why you’re seeing insane and somewhat hilarious commercials and receiving...

Trump in red baseball MAGA hat with mouth open
05 October 2019

Impeachment finally under way

The long-delayed impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump are finally starting, but at present the focus is on a relatively minor crime - the Ukrane-Biden scandal. However, Trump...

Trump at his desk on the phone
05 October 2019

Letter to the Editor

September 24, 2019 was an important day in saving our democracy from the corrupt rule of President Donald L. Trump. Several factors got us to the tipping point which caused Speaker of the House of...

Joe Motil
05 October 2019

Columbus City Council candidate Joe Motil received two key endorsements today from the Columbus Education Association (CEA) and the National Association of Social Workers.

Motil stated that, “Today has been a memorable...

Sign that says Yes to Peace
05 October 2019

Saurday, October 5, 12 noon

Every Saturday at noon with Central Ohioans for Peace. 

161 and N. High, Worthington
E.N. Broadway and N. High St., Clintonville. 

Join peace-minded...


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