
Young Elvis Presley singing into a mic
04 September 2019

Nineteen years ago, I graduated from the Ohio State University. As a somewhat lackluster student, I wasn’t able to pull things together to graduate on time and missed the big ceremony that used to be held on the Oval. Instead I was...

Two people holding a banner saying Jews Oppose Israel
03 September 2019

Wed, Sept 4, 7-8:30pm
Bexley Public Library, 2411 E. Main St.
Screening portions of the documentary “Jews Step Forward.” The moral voices of bravery and justice that are depicted in “Jews Step Forward” will be followed by...

Man in blackface from minstrel show
03 September 2019

This past September, Alabama governor Kay Ivey was found to have worn blackface while performing in a comedy sketch during her college years. Virginia governor Ralph Northam posed in blackface standing next to another college mate...

Black and white photo of Bernie Sanders gesturing as he talks
03 September 2019

When Donald Trump used to call out the “fake news” for being biased during the 2016 presidential election, it was a not-so-subtle way for him to appeal to Bernie Sanders’ supporters who felt the same pain. The blatant bias shown towards...

Old time radio
03 September 2019

This is where I would normally write some sort of introduction to college students that hopefully makes them want to learn about the city they live in.

Used Kids, and Embassy Skateboards to the north. Yao’s Chinese Bistro and...

Silhouette of a man shooting another man
03 September 2019

Being shot by the police is sadly a leading cause of death for black males in this country, according to an August 2019 study by the Los Angeles Times. During a violent encounter with the police, black males are 2½ times more likely to...


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