
Artistic drawing of bird with different colored feathers
08 August 2019

On Wednesday, August 7, I had the opportunity to attend a meeting for an activist group called RAID. RAID stands for Resistance Against Immigrant Detention. The goal of RAID is to stop the Department of Homeland Security and the...

Information about the event in blocks of orange, white and dark blue
08 August 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Calling all the S.E.X.Y. Voters come and be EMPOWERED ! Ask questions of the Candidates asking for YOUR vote!  Location: 1561 Old Leonard Ave., Columbus 43219. ...

Red background, white words HUNTER at top and below a drawing of hands holding a sharpshooter type of gun
07 August 2019

As we go to press on Sunday, August 4, we gradually learn details of the horrible mass shooting in Dayton’s Oregon District. The first one this close to home – another young white male “lone gunman” shooting into a crowd – just hours...

Drawing of lots of tall buildings words in front Gentrification Zone and Poor People Please Leave Quietly
07 August 2019

In the early seventies I went to East High School and lived right smack in the middle of Mt. Vernon Ave and 21st, in a big ten room brick house. When I lived there the neighborhood was clean. People kept their lawns up and the streets...

07 August 2019

The Black Keys and Raconteurs' new albums were my subject this month – until my sweet little lunchbox-sized boombox someone gave me died last week with nary a bang or a whimper. Honestly, the sound wasn't bad when the little bugger...

Words Columbus Media Insider with the M looking like broken glass
07 August 2019

Having lost the governorship and other statewide offices in 2018, Ohio Democrats have a chance to reassert themselves in state government in 2020 by capturing two Republican-held seats on the Ohio Supreme Court.

Democrats Michael...


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