
3D black and white buildings from above
29 May 2019

“The age of nuclear energy is coming to an end. The age of radioactive waste is just beginning.” Gordon EdwardsCanadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

Hang Ups Plague California’s Nuke...

Words Health Insurance Policy with a squiggly line below
29 May 2019

Even when a person has health insurance, healthcare in the U.S. is largely inaccessible. Copays and deductibles are enough to put people in thousands of dollars of debt....

Outdoor rally with signs, one says We Want to Live Here, one says Dear Nancy Pelosi will you support a Green New Deal
29 May 2019

Only immediate climate action can save the future. If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.

A speech by Bill Moyers


Sign saying Poisoning water is genocide
29 May 2019
SB 33 is up for its first hearing on May 29, 2019, 11am.
SB 33 is a bill that, if passed, would criminalize protests against the gas and oil industry (i.e., fracking, cracker plants for plastic production). Wednesday's hearing is...
People outside holding protest signs saying Equal Rights for Adult Adoptees
28 May 2019

A few weeks ago, Ohio became the sixth state to pass a so-called “Heartbeat Bill” that prohibits abortion after a “fetal heartbeat” can be heard–around the sixth week of pregnancy when most women don’t even know yet they are pregnant....

Lots of people posing with Keep Edith Home signs
28 May 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 6:30-8:30pm
Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Ave.
We are in need of volunteers! Join us this Tuesday, May 28 at 6:30pm at Columbus Mennonite Church to get hands-on with our current projects that...


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