Death Penalty Action is raising funds to support protests on the ground at the site of the 1500th execution in the United States since 1977. At this writing on May 24th, the 1500th execution may be July 31st in Texas. This may change if...
OMG! Ohio Rep. John Becker (R-Clermont County)is even dumber than I thought. In fact, he has just grabbed the dumber-than-a-doorknob title held for the last few years by former Rep. Jim Buchy who once told Al Jazeera he couldn...
Dayton police protected nine KKK members with hundreds of police yesterday at a two hour Honorable Sacred Knight of the Klu Klux Klan’s Members and Supporters Only Rally in a show of police force not common in Dayton. Across downtown...
From the Sierra Club Beyond Coal: Nearly 300 of you have made calls, and more than 1,400 messages have been sent to Ohio State Representatives to oppose the nuclear bailout bill (HB 6) but the bill is still alive! We...
The future of energy generation in Ohio hangs in the balance with House Bill 6(HB6) and May 22 and 23 saw some pivotal events in the saga of this bill. Protests and hearings laid out two very different paths Ohio could go down, one...
Klu Klux Klan (KKK) affiliated group Honorable Sacred Knights (HSK) will be occupying Dayton’s Courthouse Square with messages of hate and intolerance Saturday 25 May.
Here is a quick guide for those who will...