
Woman against a blue sky
28 March 2019

Saturday, March 30, 2019, 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM (doors open at 10:00 AM)
Human Rights vs Corporate Rights:  It’s Up to Us!  Move to Amend Ohio Network 7th Annual Gathering. ...

Young black woman smiling turning her head to the left wearing a black suit against a colorful wall of art
27 March 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 3-9pm
3pm - Community gathering
5:30 - Vigil by the river
7pm - Community dinner
St. Philips Episcopal Church, 166 Woodland Ave.
All who loved Amber are welcome to come for...

Words Stop Arming Colonialism and drawing of woman with a kite and other kites in the air and people below with fists in air
26 March 2019

Through March 28
Student Academic Services Building, 281 W Lane Ave, Columbus
Join Students for Justice in Palestine and Palestinian Women's Association for Apartheid Week 2019 on Ohio State's Main Campus.


Words Stop the Six-week Abortion Ban and details about the event
26 March 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Today's hearing on the six-week abortion ban includes opponent testimony.This is us: Pro-choice Ohioans will have their chance to tell the committee why people in our...

Tall mountain at right against other mountains in the background lower ones toward the left green grass and low clouds
25 March 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019, 7:00 PM.  Central Ohioans for Peace Meeting 
Program: Screening of Time Scanners: Machu Picchu (2014/60 minutes).  
The dense jungle of the Peruvian Andes hides a sacred city -...

Lots of food in different trays all labeled
24 March 2019

Vegans in Columbus are familiar with Portia's, the vegan restaurant in Clintonville. Now there's a coffee shop "Portia's Next Door" that had its grand opening in February - a new coffee shop and deli with pastries, snacks, juices,...


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