
People in white robes with pointy top hats in a circle outside at night with a flag
12 March 2019

Many people hear the name “Ku Klux Klan” and think of the deep South and unreconstructed neo-confederates riding at night with support from the city fathers and some obese caricature of a sheriff. That image is a convenient alibi of...

12 March 2019

The “ShotSpotter” voice surveillance system is being promoted by Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther and Deputy Police Chief Bash as a crime fighting tool capable of locating a gunshot within a 20-foot radius and determining the type and...

Black woman holding sign saying Keep abortion safe, legal and accessible in from of a government building with a cop standing in the background
12 March 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 3:30 – 4:30 PM.
The fifth and final hearing for the six-week abortion ban will be held on Tuesday in the South Hearing Room of the Ohio Statehouse. Testimony will not be accepted during this...

Round mandala with Native American symbols and a heart in the middle between two swiggly  lines depicting the serpent mound
11 March 2019

The Serpent Mound Spring Seed and Water Blessing, Music Peace Summit is a celebration and blessing of ancient seeds from around the world; praying, energizing, and exchanging these seeds. Visitors will experience music, sound healing,...

People marching with very large high signs with depictions of barrels of tomatoes with the words How much longer? and Join the Fair Food program and a Wendy's hamburger that says violence on it
11 March 2019

Fifty farm workers and their children traveled from Immokalee Florida to march in Columbus last Friday, in coordination with International Women's Day, with 300 university students and locals.

Marchers demanded human rights, and...

Skeleton leaning against a pole outside holding an anti-Pence sign
10 March 2019

Anti-fracking, environmental activists protested Mike Pence's visit to Easton in Columbus to speak at the Ohio Oil and Gas Association convention. 


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