White and black virtual reality goggles laying on grass
06 March 2019

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that affects about one percent of the global population. Children can fall anywhere on the spectrum,...

Red banner with acorn logo and words ACORN Association of Community Organizations
06 March 2019

A mass organization can’t make it without members and volunteers doing a tremendous amount of work. There is no way that any level of dues collection or number of self-sufficiency schemes can ever substitute for all of the work needed...

Silver handcuffs laying on marijuana leaves
06 March 2019

After Grove City police recently confiscated CBD products from a vape shop after executing a search warrant, what does this portend for all local CBD retailers who are not licensed by the state?

Depending on how each local police...

words Six Week Abortion Ban against blue background and details about event
04 March 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 9:00 – 11:00am
The fourth hearing for the six-week abortion ban will be held on Wednesday in the South Hearing Room of the Ohio Statehouse. Witnesses on both sides of the issue will be...

Black silhouette of a woman in a suit against a gold map of the US with five gold lines curving up the left side
04 March 2019

With March being Women’s History Month and women only holding 23.7% of the seats in Congress despite making up 51% of the U.S. population, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on ...

Balding white man in a suit looking determined
03 March 2019

Monday, March 5, 7-8:30pm
Whetstone Library, 3909 N. High St.
Joe Schiavoni, former gubernatorial candidate and state senator, and Tina Pierce, Ph.D., school board candidate and educator, will discuss the impacts of a...


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