Uncle San with a head wound and reaching out with one hand, the other holding his hat to his side and the words I Want Out
01 January 2019

President Donald Trump’s move to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan last month certainly sent the Washington establishment into a tizzy. However, the action will show, as journalist Matt Taibbi wrote, the real divide in our...

White guy in a white shirt with football stadium seats behind him
01 January 2019

A fantasy...

January 15, 2019.

Urban Meyer is tooling west on I-70 in Indiana in his Audi S7, tires barely touching the pavement, on his way to an interview at the University of Iowa.

He notices a solitary...

Orange circle with National Domestic Workers Alliance written inside
01 January 2019

Every day millions of domestic workers — house cleaners, nannies, eldercare workers, and home health aides — care for our nation’s homes and loved ones. But these domestic workers have been excluded from many of the basic labor...

A ticket with an orange side with two people's faces and lots of info about the event
31 December 2018

Monday, December 31, 2018, 10:00 PM
Join us online New Year's Eve for a national Watch Night Service in Raleigh, NC! The watch night service in 1862 was celebrated by enslaved and free African Americans,...

Outside table with pots and pans on it and tablecloth with sign Food not Bombs
30 December 2018

Sunday, December 30, 2pm
379 Chittenden Ave., sponsored by Food not Bombs
We’re cooking to serve outside the downtown YMCA again — bring whatever vegan(ish) food you can find, or just bring yourself to help prepare stuff,...

People marching outside with trees in background carrying signs, No New A-Bombs, Peace is Patriotic
29 December 2018

Every Saturday at noon with Central Ohioans for Peace.  Location:  161 & N. High, Worthington. 


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