Sign that says Put Politicians on minimum wage and watch how fast things change
26 December 2018
Next month, many of Ohio’s lowest-earning workers will get a pay boost when the minimum wage rises 25 cents, from $8.30 to $8.55. This increase ensures the minimum wage keeps pace with rising consumer prices, something Ohio citizens...
Young black people dancing outside in front of a gazebo with a Columbus Community Pride banner
23 December 2018

Best Restaurant Comeback


One of the best Chinese restaurants in Columbus is back. Helen Asian Kitchen, which owner Helen Jiao sold in 2017 to take care of her husband while he struggled with...

Red white blue police badge type of patch
22 December 2018

When it comes to going incognito online and spouting-off on how you really feel about African-Americans, immigrants, leftists and poor people, the unhinged Right Wing have embraced this ability with unabashed love.

The problem...

Woman holding sign that says Protect Women's Health
22 December 2018

Stop the Bans Day of Action
Thursday, December 27 at 8:30 a.m.
Ohio Statehouse – High Street sidewalk
1 Capitol Square, Columbus, Ohio 43215


Head of a deer peering over snow against trees and the words Happy Winter Solstice
21 December 2018

Fri, Dec 21, 7pm
Summit on 16th United Methodist Church, 82 E. 16th Ave.
Music, Dances of Universal Peace, meditation, and drumming. Elizabeth (Munira) Reed, Ph.D., ereed@...

21 December 2018

This year’s usual bumper crop of holiday movies includes a political biopic, a Disney sequel and a bizarre tale of the aftermath of a hate crime. All of them open on or before Christmas Day. Let’s start with the best.



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