Older white man gesturing as he speaks holding a mic
19 December 2018

December 18, 2018 - Sent to Governor by the House


Drawing of side view of woman's head in a circle with red hair and yellow on other side of blue head silhouette with words women's watch
18 December 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 11:30am-1pm
The Boathouse Restaurant at Confluence Park, 679 W. Spring St.
The state legislature has sent TWO abortion bills to Gov. John Kasich's desk. Both the six-week ban (HB258) and the...

Black and White drawing of man carrying a huge bag of money
18 December 2018

Ohio lawmakers met at 1:00 in the morning Friday to sneak their pay raises into a Widows and Orphans bill. Besides providing cover for their raid on the taxpayers, the action also prevents Governor Kasich from using a line-item veto ....

Words Black Queer Intersectional Columbus with each first letter in purple
18 December 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018, 8:00 – 10:00 PM
Guess who's back?! BQIC Spoken Word is back!! Please join us as we round out 2018 with this fun, creative event! Come out and share your poems, songs, monologues, inner...

Chinese words and above the English words describing the event
17 December 2018

Monday, December 17, 2018, 7:00 PM.  
“The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.”  In 1949, hundreds of millions of Chinese people liberated themselves from colonial and capitalist...

Two people standing outside in the rain holding umbrellas and signs, one says ODNR Frack Yourselves
17 December 2018

Recently the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the US Government both issued reports acknowledging what people all over the world already knew--urgent action...


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