A long sign saying Pro choice on everything Libertarian Party held outside in front of the Washington monument
31 October 2018

On the heels of the recent report that we’ll all be dead from climate change in a few decades, several friends have asked me – how do libertarians feel about climate change? As with anything involving libertarian philosophy, the answer...

Drawing of pumpkin with candy coming out of the top
31 October 2018

Wed, Oct 31, 6-8pm
Corner  of South Ogden Avenue and Whitehead Road

We want to support our neighborhood children and keep them safe on Halloween night so SC Hilltop neighborhood is hosting it's sixth annual...

White woman in a police uniform and wire rimmed glasses smiling and posing
30 October 2018

CPD Chief Kim Jacobs: "We do not tolerate bad cops here," Jacobs stated when her Vice Unit decided to investigate itself for their dubious arrest of Stormy Daniels and two other women, and the unconscionable...

White woman with long curly brown hair looking pensive
30 October 2018

Viper Club is too earnest and low-key to qualify as exciting cinema. On the other hand, if you believe in the First Amendment and are concerned about President Donald Trump’s constant and self-serving attacks on the press, it may prove...

White women with glasses and short brown hair wearing a police uniform looking surprised
30 October 2018

She was a typical All-American girl in high school. She attended Focus Learning Academy, was a good softball player and at one point she was a cheerleader. Donna Dalton had dreams as a girl to join the Columbus Police Department and,...

Cannabis bud
30 October 2018

They’re at it again, which is probably a good thing. The FDA is again seeking comments concerning cannabis like it did last May. This time, it’s looking at five categories (abuse potential, actual abuse, medical usefulness, trafficking...


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