Words Abolish ICE real big on a sign behind people protesting
30 June 2018

The mood was not only to vote but to resist. A massive crowd filled the Ohio Statehouse capitol square on Saturday morning June 30, 2018 for the Families Stay Together rally. The demonstrators were of two minds. the majority, working on...

Flag waving with pastel blue, pink and white stripes
29 June 2018

Two Ohio Republican legislators recently introduced a bill that mandates all medical and mental health care providers, and teachers, disclose if the child they are working with identifies as LGBTQ - or else they’ll be criminalized as...

Thin faced man with brown hair and five o clock shadow looking quizzically at the camera
28 June 2018

WCBE is proud to announce its very own Community Relations director, Johnny DiLoretto, will do his community relations thing in high style this July 4th when he assumes the not-so-honorable throne as the Less-than-Grand Marshal at the...

Black background with a yellow hand coming from the left and a blue hand from the right holding a red heart in the middle and the words Families Belong Together
28 June 2018

Saturday, June 30
Families Belong Together Rally
Ohio StateHouse West Plaza, Broad and High Streets, Columbus - 10am
121 S. Washington St. Delaware - 10am
"Compassion is a choice we make that love...

Little boy holding a glass of water to the right and the words Safe water for our kids, Columbus no place for frack waste
27 June 2018
The Columbus Community Bill of Rights campaign turned in more than double the number of signatures required to secure proposed ordinance on November’s ballot on Tuesday, June 26. The citizen-led Columbus Community Bill of Rights, a city...
People marching and one closeup of a picket sign reading Worker Rights are Human Rights
27 June 2018

Today an anti-worker majority of justices on the United States Supreme Court struck down 40 years of precedent permitting public sector unions to collect a fair share fee from workers who receive the benefits of collective bargaining...


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