Three happy people by a table outside that says VEGAN on a sign
23 June 2018
June 24, 2018 @ 11:30 am – 12:15 pm
Goodale Park Comfest Weekend "Solar Stage" 120 West Goodale St.
While Comfest 2018 runs Fri Jun 22 through Sun Jun 24th this year, and we will have a Columbus Vegan Meetup and VeganShift...
Black man in a hat playing a guitar at a mic
23 June 2018

6:35 PM - Bozo stage
Saturday, June 23 at Comfest
Goodale Park
This is a rock n' roll band that paints with the psychedelic volumes of 68 and 69

6:35 PM - Bozo - Saturday
Lots of people smiling and sitting around a table posing for the camera, board games on the table
23 June 2018

Dave & Busters with Individuals with Disabilities - 6/27/18
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
3665 Park Mill Run Drive, Hilliard
Franklin County Recreation is teaming up with Dave & Busters to offer this event for...

Wine booth at comfest
21 June 2018

Friday-Sunday, June 22-24
Goodale Park
Come by and say Hi and buy some wine to support the Free Press and the Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio at Comfest! Our wine booth is next to the beer booth on Park near Buttles...

Drawing of a buckeye leaf and nut on top of the state of Ohio
21 June 2018

The Buckeye Environmental Network (BEN) has filed a lawsuit against the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) for withholding critical public information, violating Ohio law. Under public records law ORC 149.43, Ohio Department of...

Black woman head and shoulders, smiling with red suit and high hair
20 June 2018

Thursday, June 21, 6:30-8:30pm
Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist Church, 2283 Sunbury Rd.
A forum held to discuss holding law enforcement accountable. Rep. Bernadine Kent and Free Press Editor Bob Fitrakis will speak.


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