
A crudely hand lettered sign on what looks like a sheet saying The state is not negotiating
11 April 2018

History books often contain a chapter that tries to answer the question: What caused such-and-such a revolt or revolution?
For example: What caused the “Boston Massacre” in 1770 when British troops stationed in Boston fired on a...

Bulletin board on the wall with words Prisoner Letter Writing and photos of a lot of men
11 April 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 5:30-8:30pm
Columbus Metropolitan Library - Northside Branch, 1423 N High St.
Cages are disabling and traumatizing environments. As a result, prisoners suffer from low morale. They also suffer from a...

Older man with gray hair and long white mustache standing at a podium with his mouth  open waving both hands in the air and the words American Conservative Union on the podium
10 April 2018

We had yet another week of very little to be joyful about. The executive branch is fixated on destroying our environment and living out childhood fantasies by playing around with the military. We are yet to see a sanguine and inspiring...

Young white man with brown-rimmed glasses with mustache and goatee talking to the camera
09 April 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 6pm (business meeting); 7pm (general meeting)
Northwood-High Building, 2231 N. High St., Rm. 100
Join the Franklin County Greens. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month. Free parking is available in...

Stickers that say I, then a red silhouette of the state of Ohio that looks like a heart and then the word votng
09 April 2018

Monday, April 9, 8am-5pm
Franklin County Board of Elections, 1700 Morse Rd. 614-525-3100...

Bald older man wearing a green pullover sweatshirt that says Capital University standing in front of a building with glass doors and a glue curvy sign above that reads ...and correctional center
08 April 2018

This is Pedro walking out of ICE detention after being unjustly held and threatened with deportation for the last 7 months! We are excited to see our collective hard work pay off. Without the courage of Pedro’s guardian and his...


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