Wellness and Safety Fair
Saturday, April 21, 10am-2pm
Woodward Park Community Center, 5147 Karl Road
It will be a fun filled day where people of all ages can have a good time learning about wellness...
Just hours before attending a preview screening of I Feel Pretty, I happened to be riding a stationary bike at my gym when the nearest TV showed Amy Schumer plugging the flick on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Our opponents are relentlessly attacking women’s health from every angle. Even when it’s not in the headlines, it’s happening practically every day....
MakerX: The Columbus Maker Expo will be held on April 21. MakerX is a public festival of digital design and creation with over 60 exhibits and activities for all ages. The event will feature drones, robots, 3D printing, virtual reality...
Operation Warm Continues Supporting Low-Income Kids with Help from Community
Chadds Ford, PA – Since 1998,...
It’s easy to nowadays to casually flip through the newspaper, “Such a shame,” we say. Crying babies and images of ICE agents cover the front page. “Too bad, those poor kids.” And yet we turn to the next page; these are only problems in...