
Drawing of the Earth, a round ball with blue and green to depict water and land, little houses and trees and windmills in green coming off the circle all around it and a banner that has the words climate action now
03 April 2018

Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, says that if everything is changing, everyone must be part of the change. Fair enough, but what can one person do?


Two men one in front with dreds sticking up off his head and a bright blue mask and a guy behind him with a camouflage mask
03 April 2018

Ready Player Oneis based somewhere in Columbus, Ohio during the year 2045 and is directed by Steven Spielberg.

Steven Spielberg began his career directing Rod Serling's “Night Gallery,” a late 60...

White background and words in black saying inclusive the completely open mic featuring poet Chiimeh from the Southside
02 April 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 7-9pm
485 E Livingston Ave.
No matter your craft or skill level, show up and show off your talents. Open art studio will be in the back! 
Art will be for sale in the studio store which is all...

White T-shirt with big cow face in the middle and words Not Your Mom, Not Your Milk
02 April 2018

One of my local favorites is Big Mama’s Burritos, on the corner of Grandview Avenue and Third Avenue. Big Mama’s has highly accessible hours and affordable pricing, which is helpful when I don’t want to spend a lot of money and want to...

Blue background with partial photo of small child holding a glass of water and words Safe water for our kids, Columbus no place for Frack Waste
01 April 2018

Monday, April 2nd 2018 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Rm 100 Northwoods Bldg, ...

Words black on white The Mountaintop March 22-April 3
01 April 2018

Sunday, April 1, 3-5pm
Also, April 3, 8-10pm
Short North Stage, 1187 N. High St.
Short North Stage and the King Arts Complex will commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination with...


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