Tuesday, March 13, 7pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High St., rooom 100
Parking in rear - "R" spots only
Join the Franklin Green Party at 6:00 PM for the open meeting of the Central Committee followed at 7:00 PM...
A group of #BlackPride4 supporters gathered in front of City Hall at 5pm Monday, March 12 to let Columbus City Council know that "Columbus is guilty!" They were calling attention to the Columbus Police Department and their treatment of...
March 14, 2018 marks one month since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which left 14 students and 3 staff members killed and many others wounded or injured. Women’s March Youth EMPOWER...
What the hell is going on in national politics? Nobody is doing what is in their, or anybody else’s, best interests. From congressional inactivity to party infighting and missed campaign opportunities, it has been a confounding week....
Monday, March 12, 5p,
Columbus City Hall, 90 w. Broad St.
WEAR ALL BLACK. (and comfortable shoes too!)
Show up at the ...
After reading “Painting the City Red,” (Feb, ’18, Vol 6, Free Press—Pranav Jani) I wanted to thank the author for the article, but to also correct the record. While a decent piece, outlining activities of three of Columbus’ socialist...