
Three black women and a white woman standing outside looking very serious
23 March 2018

Barbara Freeman, a survivor of human trafficking and the first graduate of Franklin County’s CATCH Court, will celebrate the opening of a sober...

Three black women standing outside a brick building
23 March 2018

Friday, March 23, Canzani Center Screening Room [Columbus College of Art and Design], 60 Cleveland Ave.
The Turn Out with KNOW Human Trafficking, 7pm
Human trafficking is a huge problem here in Ohio, across the nation, and...

Yellow background with sketchy drawings of jockeys riding horses
23 March 2018

Friday, March 23
Ohio Shorts, 7-8:45pm, Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St.
Not Quite Midnight Shorts. 9:30-11:30pm, Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St.

Black and white photo of a man with long hair and a moustache and the word ORGANIZER
20 March 2018

Thursday, March 22, 7pm
Drexel Theater, 2254 E. Main St., Bexley
The first 10 people to email the Columbus Free Press - - after seeing this...

Older man with gray hair, a dark suit and pink tie sitting at a mic with glasses halfway down his nose
19 March 2018

Much of the news generated by those paid to represent us this week came in the form of the executive branch’s revolving door of staff. Some were fired, some were hired, and some are working with a guillotine blade hanging over them. As...

Black background and words Community Pride 2018 Back to Our Roots
19 March 2018

June 1 – 16, 2018
With celebratory and educational events ranging from dance parties...


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