Ohio legislature considers bills to prop up nuclear, tamp down renewables
FirstEnergy has gone to the Ohio legislature for bailouts for their two nuclear reactors (power plants) on Lake Erie: Davis-Besse east of...
Ohio legislature considers bills to prop up nuclear, tamp down renewables
FirstEnergy has gone to the Ohio legislature for bailouts for their two nuclear reactors (power plants) on Lake Erie: Davis-Besse east of...
Because of President Donald Trump’s policies and Neolithic attitude toward women, pussy hats have become popular regalia at protests in downtown Columbus. But at the March for Science on April 22, brain hats outnumbered pussy hats....
It’s no surprise that so many movies focus on the teenage years. Just think what this time of life puts us through.
After ambling our way through adolescence, we suddenly have to make crucial decisions about our future while...
In a perfect world, $50 million would be spent showing Ohioans the following political ad on TV:
Announcer: "This is the Ohio Newscast featuring Lenny Smith and Lara Lewandowski." (Ken and Barbie lookalikes)
Lenny: "Ohio's...
Excerpts from remarks made by Dennis J. Kucinich Monday, April 24, 2017 to the Ohio Legislature, Columbus, Ohio
Privatization of public assets is a major issue in America, and, in the case of education, the federal...
The Granville Inn, located in the quaint Columbus outlier of Granville, and their chef, Chad Lavley, knows exactly how to serve vegans, and anyone looking for a healthy, delicious, satisfying and sustainable meal. The “Good...