Adrienne Hood and Mark Stansbery

Here’s a summary of the February 2022 Free Press Second Saturday Cyber-Salon that happened Saturday, February 12 at 7pm by Zoom.

Watch the video here.

Free Press Board member Mark Stansbery facilitated the salon on Zoom and streamed Live on Facebook.

The first guest speaker was Rev. Susan Smith, from Crazy Faith Ministries and the Poor People’s Campaign. She spoke about how the phrase “Christian nationalists” is a misnomer since Christians are supposed to follow the teachings of Jesus and typically “nationalists” do not. She pointed out how the Jesus of the nationalists is one who caters to capitalists.

She bemoaned the fact that most mainstream media outlets use headlines meant to attract attention, but do not reflect the content of the articles. Instead of being committed to truth, media is dedicated to making money. She feels society is on a precipice, as it has been before, but the media is feeding the negativity.

She talked about racism and how white supremacy is a disease in this country. One of America’s problems is never admitting that we have a corrupt foundation, based on slavery. She showed the book “The Negro Bible,” written in the 1800s by white people and using selected passages from the Bible that encouraged obedience and submission.

The next speaker was Michael Aaron, longtime Driving Park neighborhood activist and director of the Rickenbacker Woods Foundation. He spoke about the Driving Park area and the affordable housing issue. He discussed the potential development projects in the area.

He spoke about the Rickenbacker House and how it was preserved; how it will be made into a museum; how it is used now for an after-school homework program, financial literacy workshops, cooking classes, a community garden; and how they arrange field trips for high school students.

The third speaker was Adrienne Hood, activist and mother of Henry Green (murdered by Columbus Police in 2016) and also the 2020 Free Press Libby Award recipient. She reported that the next trial on her son’s case is April 11. She brought us up-to-date on the Civilian Review Board activities and the new Columbus Police Chief and Inspector General, both from Detroit. She mentioned that the Police are now offered a $200,000.00 buyout for early retirement.

She feels the Civilian Review Board is an attempt to “clm” the community and she doesn’t entirely trust its leader, Janet Jackson, as she fought a Department of Justice agreement with the Columbus Police back in 1999.

Mimi Morris let us know that Comfest 2022 will be LIVE IN PERSON at Goodale Park this year, celebrating their 50th year June 25, 26, and 27. Applications for Grants, performances, workshop re all online at NOW, and tries are being solicited for the Logo Contest.

Sandy Bolzenius announced the Rights of Nature Workshop, Sunday, March 27, 1-3 PM. Sponsored by the Columbus Community Bill of Rights. Register here.

She also announced that Move to Amend constitutional amendment that corporations are not people and money is not speech, has 87 co-sponsors in Congress. One major exception is our own rep Joyce Beatty. Please contact Beatty and encourage her to sign on.

Chuck Lynd announced a Discussion of a Path to a New Ecological Future by Simply Living. An article about it here.

He also talked about the February 20 Simply Share event. He shared this inspirational quote: “It’s in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and active people becoming spiritual that the hope of humanity now rests.” ~ Van Jones

Cathy Cowan Becker, Simply Living Executive Director, promoted the February Social - Ales and Climate Tales for Wed Feb 23rd 6:00pm.

She also mentioned the March First Friday event on March 4 - GreenSpot and Keep Columbus Beautiful.

Pat Marida warned us about HB 434 that would have massive ramifications, creating a new Ohio government nuclear authority that would not be subject to public oversight. The bill would preclude public involvement or oversight of its funding or the use, transport, accidents, spills and radioactive waste from nuclear research and development. It is written by and for one small company, eGeneration of Cleveland. It is being heard now in the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee. TAKE ACTION! Call Rep. Jason Stephens, chair of the committee, at (614) 466-1366 and tell him NO to House Bill 434.  See the Ohio Nuclear Free Network’s 23 talking points against the bill here.

Verbz Vegas shared an anti-Fascist song his friend Jovon in Charlottesville VA in case anybody wanted to hear.

Jamie Pardo announced that Columbus Community Bill of Rights activists Carolyn Harding and Charlotte Owens have submitted petitions to run for the Ohio state legislature. However, neither candidate knows exactly what the boundaries of their districts will be because the Republican-drawn congressional maps were again ruled gerrymandered, and unconstitutional.

Free Press Board President Pete Johnson let us know that he is hosting a “Meet and Greet” event for Morgan Harper, Ohio candidate for the US Senate. It will be at Jimmy V’s in Grandview on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 7pm.

Bob Roehm announced an upcoming event: “LGBTQ+ Youth and Homelessness Webinar,” hosted by Columbus Coalition for the Homeless, Friday, February 18, 3-4:30pm, this on-line event requires advance registration.             

Joe Motil promoted an event that will formally name the area on the Near East Side “Bronzeville” as advocated by longtime activist and area commissioner Willis Brown. It will be March 3 - 4PM  at the Historic Lincoln Theatre.

Travis Irvine noted that Can’t Stop Columbus is seeking volunteers to help with our Voter Turnout project –– we need people to help obtain/share voting dates/information, as well as help register voters and get them to the polls before or on May 3! For more info go to the website below or email

Mary Jane Borden mentioned the sad passing of Bill Arthrell, one of the activist icons from the Kent State Massacre. She also noted that the adult use marijuana initiated statute collected enough signatures for placement of the measure before the Ohio General Assembly, which has four months to enact the statute or turn it over to the voters.

Steve Caruso announced Harvey Wasserman's Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom webinar Monday, Feb. 14, 5pm ET on Ohio redistricting with All on the Line Ohio representative.

The next salon will be March 12 about race and social justice.

Hope to see you at the next one!

Pete Johnson
President, Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism
Contact: 614-253-2571