Thursday, February 22, 3:30- 4:45pm
Ohio Statehouse
According to the Washington Post more than 150,000 students attending at least 170 schools have experienced a shooting on campus since the Columbine HS massacre in 1999....
Wednesday, April 3- 5, 2018
Buses are going from around Ohio.
Sunday, February 8, 1-4pm
400 W Wilson Bridge Rd, Worthington,
Workshop Goal: to prepare participants to meaningfully advocate with and for immigrants who are at risk of deportation.
About this Event...
Saturday, February 17, 3pm
Columbus Metropolitan Library - Northside Branch, 1423 N High St.
SURJ is hosting an educational session about the history of mass incarceration and policing. Learn about how the practice of...
Friday, February 16, 12noon-1pm, Thompson Library [Rm. 165], 1858 Neil Ave.
The OSU Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA), in cooperation with the OSU...
Thursday, February 15 to Saturday, February 17, Dayton Convention Center, 22 E. Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio
Registration is now open for the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s 39th annual conference, “A...