Saturday, March 17, 10am
Central Ohio Workers Center, 1067 W. Broad St.
Facebook Event
Join us to learn how you can get involved in growing the Central...
Saturday, March 17, 10am
Central Ohio Workers Center, 1067 W. Broad St.
Facebook Event
Join us to learn how you can get involved in growing the Central...
Lessons from the West Virginia Teachers' Strike
Thursday, March 15, 7pm
St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 83 W. Woodruff
The successful nine-day strike of over 30,000 teachers and support...
Tuesday, March 13, 7pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High St., rooom 100
Parking in rear - "R" spots only
Join the Franklin Green Party at 6:00 PM for the open meeting of the Central Committee followed at 7:00 PM...
Monday, March 12, 5p,
Columbus City Hall, 90 w. Broad St.
WEAR ALL BLACK. (and comfortable shoes too!)
Show up at the ...
Saturday, March 10, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St., east side door
Parking in front, rear lot, or side driveway
Free. No RSVP required.
Join progressives for socializing, refreshments from Acre to Go, music, art...
ENOUGH: National School Walkout
Wednesday, March 14, 10am
Various schools across central Ohio
Details at: https...