
Man with a beard and a big smile and wearing a white button down shirt standing in front of a door holding a guitar and a red heart shaped box
01 February 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018, 7:00 – 9:00 PM.  Game Night!  Join us for a game night to have fun and raise funds! 
The Columbus branch of the International Socialist Organization is fundraising for the...

Young black woman with long brown hair and a long sleeved black shirt pointing to a sign up on a wall with lots of black writing on it
30 January 2018

Wednesday, Jan 31, 7-9pm
Summit on 16th United Methodist Church, 82 E 16th Ave.
You don't set 10,000 people free without training a few volunteers. If you're ready to stop ~talking~ about making change and start taking...

Cover of a book, the background is like a sun with rays spreading out but is black and gray. Words in white say Worshipping Power, an anarachist view of early state formation
29 January 2018

Tuesday, Jan 30, 6-9pm
Northwood-High building, 2231 N. High St. room 100
Worshiping Power surveys a wide range of research responding to the question of where states came from, looking at the causes of politogenesis and...

Black and white photo of older black woman head and shoulders smiling with her glasses in her hand with her chin in her hand.
28 January 2018

Monday, January 29
10:00 a.m 
Conference Center Ballroom
315 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43215
The featured speaker at this year’s event is Nikki Giovanni, celebrated African-American poet and University...

Mug shot of white man and the words The Penalty at top
27 January 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
Ohioans To Stop Executions (OTSE) is delighted to present a free screening of ...

Blue and white photo with a family, two young boys, a young woman, a husband and a woman all with Latino look to them with word Sanctuary at top
25 January 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018, 7-9pm
Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Ave.
Edith Espinal is one of the many immigrants who has chosen Sanctuary as a form of resistance against deportation-- Join ISO Columbus and co-...


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