
Silhouette drawings of blue and red and gray people in the fore ground with fists in the air and words People's Day and Columbus Feb 24 #unrigthesystem
23 February 2018

Saturday, February 24, 10:30am-1pm
Ohio Statehouse
ON FEBRUARY 24, join us for a national Day of Action in Columbus and cities across the country to show support for strong unions. We will join thousands of working people...

Big paper mache face hanging on the front of a table outside next to a blue sign with white hand drawn letters that say Food Not Bombs and a lot of pots and pans and condiments on the table and a brick wall in the background
22 February 2018

Friday, February 23, 5pm
The Midden, 379 Chittenden Ave.
Lets cook and drink and party!
Central Ohio Street Medic Collective (COSMC) provides first aid at protests and in the community. They’re holding a 20 hour...

Black and white photo of police wearing helmets with their backs to the camera, looking like the are beating people with sticks among a lot of gas in the air obscuring the people in the picture
21 February 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018, 6-7:30pm
905 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Join Leah Aden, Senior Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, who has come to Columbus on a fact-finding/investigatory trip to address the LDF's "substantial...

Two clips out of newspapers one with a photo of lots of kids running away from the school where the shooter was, the other talking about gun-toting teens and all the words about this event
19 February 2018

Thursday, February 22, 3:30- 4:45pm
Ohio Statehouse
According to the Washington Post more than 150,000 students attending at least 170 schools have experienced a shooting on campus since the Columbine HS massacre in 1999....

Words Unite to End Racism April 3-5 washingtonn DC against a stone wall background
19 February 2018

Wednesday, April 3- 5, 2018
Buses are going from around Ohio. 

Logo of Central Ohio Worker Center with large COWC with red and black letters and the O in a blue triangle
18 February 2018

Sunday, February 8, 1-4pm
400 W Wilson Bridge Rd, Worthington,
Workshop Goal: to prepare participants to meaningfully advocate with and for immigrants who are at risk of deportation.

About this Event...


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