
Big silver solar panel on ground sideways aimed at sky with red leaved trees in the background
17 May 2018

Blue Rock Station will conduct a five-day Solar Electric (Photovoltaic) Certification Workshop at Antioch College, 1 Morgan Pl...

Drawing of black maijuana leaf with medical symbol inside the stem
07 May 2018

These days, some mighty big players are talking about cannabis, extracts and scheduling: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the World Health Organization (WHO).


Sign that says Welcome to the Historic Near East Side and the words superimposed below Food Desert
03 May 2018

Food Deserts.  The definition by Merriam-Webster is “an area where little fresh produce is available for sale.” In rural areas and urban areas alike, food deserts are a concerning problem in communities everywhere. Columbus is not...

Short blonde wtoman wearing a yellow coat and sunglasses talking and gesturing to a taller white man with gray hair and a gray suit outside by tree and a lake
30 April 2018

I work with the grassroots ballot initiative campaign, The Columbus Community Bill of Rights

We’re working to get 8,000 Columbus voter signatures before June 26, 2018 to put this City Ordinance on the November ballot, to...

Three squares, one at bottom right with a black map of the U.S. and windmills at top with words Ready for 100% and two other squares one bottom right and one top with views of the river from above
17 April 2018

Ready for 100 Columbus, a campaign to persuade the city of Columbus to commit to achieving 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 or before, is hosting an aerial art photography project on Earth Day.

Ready for 100...

Two women, one young with hair pulled back and the other older with long brown curly hair standing behind two men kneeling, both wearing hats with brims and wire rimmed glasses, everyone smiling
03 April 2018

At this time of every school year, most seniors across the country are itching to bust out of high school and into their own independent lives. This feeling is commonly known as “Senioritis” and lucky for me, I haven’t spent the last...


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