29 October 2021

The lineup of statewide Democratic candidates for remains unsettled.

A few weeks ago, the race for U.S. Senate appeared settled with U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan clearing the field. Then Columbus attorney Morgan Harper entered the fray and...

28 October 2021

Last year with your help, Columbus passed Issue 1, setting up the largest 100% renewable energy aggregation program in the Midwest. Clean Energy Columbus is now a reality.

Not only does the power for your phone, computer...

Students outside at a rally
28 October 2021

October 29, 2021, 1:00 PM
OSU’s Bricker Hall (190 N Oval Mall building 001, Columbus, OH 43210)
Just ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, a coalition of U.S. youth climate advocacy organizations will kick off a campaign to...

28 October 2021

Thursdaym Octobetr 28, 7-8:30PM
Join the Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists as we discuss and apply revolutionary ideas.
This week, we will be meeting on...

Person hold Make American Green Again sign
27 October 2021

This past summer the Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) stated that Issue 7 “is thin on details and short-circuits the city’s ability to mitigate the causes of climate change.” 

“Because the city is already moving toward 100% clean...

Racism with no sign through the word
27 October 2021

In the past two months, the state of Ohio actively retreated from its commitment to promote equity and combat racism in its schools. The reactionary march backward constitutes a withdrawal from constitutional principles, American social...


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