Ohio Statehouse
Gathering in front of the Ohio Statehouse by the William McKinnley statue. We gather to support the urgency of the UN climate negotiations by 200 countries in Glasgow,UK. We...
Register for this event
To be held Saturday, November 6, 12-12:45pm
Meet here: parking lot on North 4th Street, between Long and Spring Streets, (set your GPS for 144 North 4th...
The following is from the author of Boomtown Columbus, Ohio’s Sunbelt City and How Developers Got Their Way
Joe Motil’s article in the Free Press...
We don’t see very much in the mainstream media about the situation in Palestine since the ceasefire of the 11-day war last May. In that short war, at least 230 Palestinians were killed, including 65 children and 39 women, with 1,710...
Wednesday, November 3, 7pm, this on-line event requires advance registration
Too often, district attorneys say they’re thinking of victims’ family members when they announce that they’re seeking the death penalty in murder...
Ohioans across the political spectrum should appreciate Attorney General Dave Yost for fighting the...