
05 June 2020

In the wee hours last Saturday morning, Columbus Police discussed using deadly force against anti-police brutality demonstrators.

Columbus Police Lieutenant and SWAT Commander Paul Ohl wrote a summary to Deputy Chief D.C. Becker...

05 June 2020

Photos by Tom Over

05 June 2020

Saturday, June 6, 10am
Meet at Drexel and Broad
March to the Statehouse in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.
*masks required.

Black woman smiling and white man talking
05 June 2020

The union representing the Columbus Division of Police (CPD) told the Free Press they are willing to negotiate for a civilian review board when negotiations for the next police union contract begin at the end of this year....

Protester holding sign saying Justice for George Floyd
05 June 2020
The right to peacefully protest is constitutionally protected. Please see the tips below on what to do if you are confronted by law enforcement during a protest.    Your Rights As a Protester
  • ...
04 June 2020

Thursday, June 4, at 4pm
North Broadway and High Streets
George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis Police on May 25, 2020. While being suffocated by an officer during a deadly arrest, he gasped out for his “mama”.


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