Tuesday, November 20, 7-9pm, King Ave. United Methodist Church, 299 King Ave.
TransOhio will hold its annual Transgender Day of Remembrance on Tuesday, November 20 at King Ave. United Methodist Church to honor and lift up the...
Tuesday, November 20, 7-9pm, King Ave. United Methodist Church, 299 King Ave.
TransOhio will hold its annual Transgender Day of Remembrance on Tuesday, November 20 at King Ave. United Methodist Church to honor and lift up the...
Monday, November 19, 2018, 6:30 – 8:00 PM. We invite Black LGBTQIA+ people from all backgrounds to join BQIC! ABOUT BQIC: Black...
As you may have heard, AEP has proposed 900 megawatts (MW) of new renewable energy installations in Ohio -- 400 MW of that will be solar energy, which is enough to power about half the homes in Cincinnati.
Earth Strike is a grass-roots environmental activist movement which aims to pressure governments and corporations around the world to take immediate action to avoid irreversible climate change before it is too late.
Please help us generate a large number of quality public comments to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in opposition to a 40,000 metric ton highly radioactive, irradiated nuclear fuel, centralized interim storage facility (...