Black faced white bordered device like a radio with two round knobs facing out that look like eyes and lines in the middle that look like a mouth
05 December 2018

It’s that time of the year when conspicuous consumption disguises itself as altruism, and we are encouraged to purchase unnecessary goods for the people we care about. Last year was the year of the smart speaker (Echo, Alexa, etc.) also...

05 December 2018

Comune opened in the Nationwide Children’s Hospital corridor on Parsons Avenue in mid-November to the delight of the surrounding neighborhood. The Columbus Vegan Meetup community has been abuzz with accolades. Even our...

A big sign on a sheet saying Stand Against Oppression Stand for Justice for Palestine
04 December 2018

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 5:30pm
William Oxley Memorial Statue, 181 Oval Sr. S, OSU campus
Gathering at Thompson statue at 5:30 and then marching together to the USG meeting to present our resolution for BDS. The USG meeting...

A balding white guy with red framed glasses and facial hair smiling sitting at a table with his arm around a bald black man in a white and black designed sweater also smiling
04 December 2018

Who knew the war-torn Congo and Hollywood would meet in Ohio and make for a good movie subject?

Keida Mascaro – that's who. 

"I gotta make this movie – here, 100% in Columbus, with Columbus money and as much Columbus...

Young  white man  with tousled brown hair wearing a blue T-shirt that says BEXLEY in white letters and he's waving a very tiny flag and kind of sneering at the camera in a bored way
04 December 2018

In Ohio, the 2018 election held consequences for the third party candidates for governor – both myself (the Libertarian Party candidate) and Constance Gadell-Newton (the Green Party candidate) had to earn at least 3 percent of the vote...

White man in a dark suit, white shirt, red tie with shaggy blonde hair with a pensive worried look
04 December 2018

It was not Donald Trump who did in Ohio Democrats on November 6th.

Ohio has not turned Republican.

It was Richard Cordray's fault.

The Ohio Democratic Party's opportunity to take power in 2018 depended on...


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