Sat, Dec 8, 6:30-11pm
1021 E. Broad St. (east side door)
Join progressive friends for food, drink, and great music. Presentation by Carolyn Harding who recently testified before the state legislature on the attacks on...
As we come to a close of the 2018 year many are wondering what makes us united as a nation. What is the core value of being an American? In the past Americans have been seen as the movers and shakers of the world. We were seen as...
Thurs, Dec. 6, 6-8pm
Columbus Library Linden Branch, 2223 Cleveland Ave.
We are here to abolish ICE from Columbus and polarize people against the police state. Our success can be measured through our mobilization of...
Human Rights Day – December 10
On December 10, 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Since 1950, countless events have been held to observe Human...
Although there were rumors that relief would come this December for those awaiting their legal medical marijuana in Ohio, Santa will not be depositing any cannabis beneath the tree this year.
Mary Jane Borden, Free Press’...
How to put it politely? Naughty-naughty-naughty 85-year-old blues bandleader and singer Bobby Rush and his two equally naughty female dancers emphasized nothing but their chakras related to sexual intercourse at his Woodlands Tavern...